I am unfortunate Accute Chronic Crohns patient and I tried many different nutritional suppliments. This one however, is horrible it tastes like a REALLY OLD Mudslide mixed in grits. I hated it and had to spit it out. This product is not 100% Complete either. A common problem among ALMOST all Multivitamins and Nutritional shakes. I did find one that is worth it though (Herbalife) it DEFINITELY WORKS! I had Crohns since about 8 or 9 years old and nothing worked its incurable /untreatable in my Specialists eyes, He was amazed to my results , Herbalife could be the cure because its 100% Complete. Ovaltine Overdoses you on vitamins/proteins your body wont use anyway! But keep the ovaltine for a animals nutritional needs! Unless you like that kinda thing.