I have write this with help of internet and newspaper
but some of us does not get time to read so I have written it sorry I hav written here about whole body not only about face please rate this review please I want it to useful and about over use of some products over use of any thing is bad!
Most women just
tend to take care of their face and spend a fortune on buying facial care
products. They forget to take care of their neck, back and bust. They even
forget to moisturize their body and legs leaving them dry and peeling.
Cure: Stop giving the
rest of your body step-motherly treatment. When you pamper your skin, go the
whole way and restore the glow and beauty of your neck, back and bust. For
these, you dont have to invest in separate products. Just extend your face
care to these areas. Use your facial scrub to exfoliate your neck, back and
bust. Cleanse the areas regularly with a creamy cleanser every day when you
take your make-up off at night. Since age shows the fastest in these areas, you
can invest in a good anti-ageing cream and use it on these areas even if you
don’t apply the cream on your face. This will ensure a supple neck and bust.
Cut Cuticle
You believe that
for neat nails and toes you must eliminate your cuticles and cut them clean
off. Simply stop the practice since this can lead to fungal infection in those
areas and you may end up with a hangnail or, worse, weak brittle nails prone to
Cure: Tell your
manicurist and pedicurist to avoid trimming your cuticles. Instead, soften the
cuticles with a cuticle cream and then push them towards the base. Rather than
cutting the dry ends, simply file away the cuticle. This will neaten your
cuticle and keep the base of your nail strong. After this, apply
nail-strengthening cream and massage individual nails taking care to smoothen
your cuticle upwards.
Over Conditioning
Your limp hair
and frizzy ends say that you love your conditioner too much. You have bought
the most expensive hair care product and yet your hair is limp and falling.
This is a sure sign of conditioner overdose. When applying conditioners, we
tend to put some in our hair roots, which actually weakens the strands.
Cure: “When you are
applying a conditioner, put it a bit away from your roots and apply the most
near the ends, " says Chandan Jaiswal, Kerastase Hair Ambassador. Then
activate it by massaging the strands and washing off with cool to cold water.
This will seal the cuticles and allow the conditioners to create a protective
layer over your hair. You can apply a hair mask to the roots or a deep conditioning
product, but for regular or leave-in conditioners, avoid piling it on the
do you feel that
red is the colour for the odd evening out? And that red lipstick is a strict
no-no come summer? Red hot lips can exude sensuousness and innocence at the
same time.
The trick here is
to highlight your eyes with a little mascara and then apply a bold red shade to
your lips. Do not apply any other make up and keep your face free of any other
colour. Match it with a light summery dress and you are ready to attract
envious glances
The Right Mix
Many of us, in
our enthusiasm, buy more cosmetics than we really need. For instance, what do
you do with three compact cases, each of them two or three shades different
from the other?
Well here’s the
answer. Blend them.If you bought one a shade lighter than your face skin, it
might be too light to look good. And the darker one may not be flattering
enough. So do your own thing. Mix both and voila! You’ve got a shade that is
just right for you. Happy experimenting!
Cleanse Right!
A clean face is
the first step before make-up and the last one before you sleep. However, many
prefer to wash off the grime and oil with a harsh body soap or do a perfunctory
clean-with-a-lotion act. The cardinal rule is to have different products for
your body and your face. The skin on your body is thicker than that on your
face. Soaps that might not harm your body may have a disastrous effect on your
facial layer
While a cleansing
lotion is de rigueur, it is important to take into account that each skin type
needs a specific cleansing lotion or else the effort will prove a waste. If you
have dry skin, buy yourself a lotion that not only cleanses but also hydrates
your parched skin. Such lotions have petroleum jelly or glycerine in them. Applying
a cleanser too is not a job to be done half-heartedly. Massage the lotion on to
your face and let the lotion do its work for at least 30 seconds. The lotion
attaches itself to the dirt and oil on your face. You can then rinse off the
cleanser taking care that there is no residue left. Do not cleanse more than
twice a day as this could irritate your skin.