Main Ingredients:
Gooseberry – 2
Curry Leaves – 10 stems
Fenugreek Seeds – 2 tbsp
Onion – 2
Shallot – 4
Garlic Cloves – 10
Green Tea/Black Tea Leaves – 2 tbsp
Coconut Oil – 500 ml
Optional Ingredients:
Henna Leaves – 10 stems
Holy Basil Leaves – 10
Castor Oil – 3 tbsp
Preparation and Use:
Crush and mix all the ingredients and add to coconut oil taken in pan. Boil it in low flame for 5 minutes. Allow to cool, keep for a few hours, filter and store in a bottle. Apply it on scalp and hair daily half an hour before washing hair.
Repeated use will help to prevent hair fall and grey hair development. It will also promote healthy hair growth.