I always had dry hairs, sometimes so dry, that even after applying conditioner after shampooing, they felt & looked like dry autumn leaves.then I consciously read few newspaper articles & atlast heard to my moms advice. I have been trying out certain things from past few months, & my hairs have started becoming bit lustrous.& healthy looking. I would like to share them with u.
1) shampooing & other stuff: we all know all chemicals(read shampoos, conditioners, gels etc) no matter how "cool" they might appear are bad for our hairs.but sometimes its just not possible to try those "shikakais, neem etc", so I personally use the new range of "dove shampoos-normal type", I genuinely try not to buy extreme product types like a shampoo just for dandruff, or dry hairs.also I shampoo my hairs every alternate day, asfar as conditioner is concerned I use "ultra doux-normal hairs", but I seldom use it, say twice a month.
2)for dandruff:- like all normal people I also suffer from occasional dandruff periods. the most important thing is that there is no such thing like"im free from dandruff now & forever", because u are alwayz susceptible towards dandruff. best solution is apply cocunut oil twice a week & leave it overnight, then in morning before bathing apply some lemon for 10-15 minutes, & then wash it off using mild shampoo.also change ur comb & towel often.
3)for lustrous hairs:i have been using this home made recipe, since last 2 months & it seems to work. in morning when ur hairs are not oiled or anything apply egg white(albumin)part minus the yellow(egg yolk) part, & leave it for 20 minutes, & then rinse it using mild shampoo, also dont forget to add some rose water in ur bathing water, so that ur hairs dont smell like sh*t., try this only once a week.
4)general care:-dont comb ur hairs while they are wet, this is a prime reason for hair fall.i have personally experienced this. let them dry naturally before combing, no matter how hard pressed u r for time. also dont subject ur hairs to extreme temperatures, like too hot weather(u can alwayz wear a cap when u go out, & yes u dont become bald by wearing a cap, its a misconception)
5)diet: this is the most important thing, try taking lot of proteins(milk, egg, fish etc) for good hairs, drink lots of water.
6)haircut:-no matter what, a monthly haircut is a must. even if u want to grow them long, a bit of trimming is always useful.
7)Gels:-when u want to go out for party, & need that instant shine, instead of applying ur gels, hair creams etc.try "hair serum", manufactured by loreal or even habibs .
& last but not the least:- STAY HAPPY & ULL NEVER HAVE ANY HAIR PROBLEM!