I love to read books on different subjects. I have read books and articles on hair care. Lemme share with you some tips on hair care.
First of all what is hair and where do they come from? buried about one fourth of a centimetre down in the corium-the layer of skin beneath the epidermis that contains the blood and nerves- there is a tiny follicle. the follicle is a hair factory which produces the hair.
Hair is made up almost entirely of protien. Hence it is very essential to nourish them and take proper care of them. hair performs the function of protection. It protects our head, eyebrows protect our eyes and so on. hence even we should protect them from dandruff, lice, dirt and pollution.
here are some tips on hair care:
# to attain beautiful, lustrous hair and to prevent graying it is very essential to include amla(gooseberry) in your diet. amla provides the necessary vitamins. it is beneficial not only for hair, but it also improves eyesight and is very good for the eyes.
# for dandruff try the following remedies:
1)beat an egg and add two tbsp water to it. use this egg mixture during the final rinse.
2) warm some coconut oil. add to this 1 tsp lemon juice. with the help of some cotton balls apply this mixture to the scalp. leave it overnight.cover your head with a scarf or cover your pillow with an old cloth to prevent the pillow from staining. wash hair next morning with a good shampoo.
3) smear sour curds on the scalp. leave for atleast one hour. wash hair. this remedy does wonders for the hair. it is also good for unmanageable hair.
4)make a paste of fenugreek(methi) leaves.add to it a little curds and 2 tsps of gram flour. apply this paste on the scalp. leave for 30 mins and wash.
5) a weak solution of common salt used to wash the hair also helps in preventing dandruff. but do not use too much salt. about 2 tsps for a bucketful of water is enough.
# hair washed with fenugreek(methi) seeds paste keeps the hair long glossy, prevents falling of hair and preserves the natural hair colour.
# for very dry hair: massage the hair with warm coconut oil and leave overnight. wash hair the next morning.
#the best hair invigorator is the hot and cold treatment. while washing hair, pour alternately hot and cold water on head. this hot and cold treatment accelerates the blood circulation. this helps in hair growth.
# strained tea leaves mixed with a few tsps of lemon juice is a good remedy to prevent falling of hair.
some other general hair care tips:
# the most popular grandma saying: brush your hair with a hundred strokes is the best you can do for your hair.
# always remember to clean your combs and hair brushes.
# you can lend a little scent to your hair by spraying a few drops of perfume or after shave lotion on your comb or hair brush. but do not spray much since the scent travels through the hair very quickly, as the warmth of the scalp helps it to spread quickly. Too much of it may also lead to some other unwanted effects on your hair. Use this tip only on some special occasions.
# eat lots of green vegetables and fruits for healthy and glowing hair.
# drink lots of water.
# use appropriate shampoos, oils and gels for your hair, taking into consideration the facts like quality, suitability, sensitivity among others.
# wash your hair atleast twice a week to keep hair and scalp clean.
# tie your hair before sleeping if your hair is unmanageable lest you should get knots.
# trim your hair regularly to remove hair splits. For this visit a good beauty parlour or hair saloon.
These simple tips on hair care will help your hair to attain and maintain that beautiful, lustrous, shining, glossy and healthy look that we all crave for. You try these tips and dont forget to input your valuable comments.