I happened to come across overdrive magazine about a couple of years ago and have become an avid fan since then.
Previously, not being very interested in automobiles, I never bothered about this stuff. Honestly to say, it is this magazine which launched my interest in the automobile industry. In these couple of years, we bought a caliber, a pulsar and a santro, all three of which were bought after going thru this mag. in detail and the predictions cant be better! All three vehicles have provided the best of service and in fact, they were better than what we expected.
A special note- be on the lookout for pull outs they give about a specific new launch in the market- they are too good! The best part of this mag. is its in depth comparisions and various angles they do a review from.
A few months ago, there was a highlight feature they presented after trial driving the mercedes e class and the maruti 800 from kashmir to kanyakumari! Thats what got me onto reading this magazine. Each edition, they publish test results on gruelling trials and check whether manufacturers boasts are true! This is one step easier for us.
Do check out an issue.