The Oxford store at the Barakhamba Road is one of the best places forall book lovers. the bookstore offers a collection of fictions, novels, classic, books on interior decoration, cookery books, books on religion and on various other subjects. the store is like a heaven for book lovers.
they have a chai bar at one part of the store which allows you to enjoy tea/ coffee and the snacks that are served here. it is a perfect place to sit down and catch up with your friends. Since the store is at CP, which is centrally located, it is easy for everyone to get here.
the glass wall overlookijng the Barakhamba Road also fills the store with natural light that compliments the comfortable feeling one gets there. there are comfy sofas and chairs b tween the bookshelves so thatthe book lovers can sit down and flip through their the books by their favourite authors. you can also get good stationery products and other gift items here.
there is a special section for the children also so that they can enjoy their own little space. its a perfect place to spend a rainy afternoon. You can sit inside the cozy Chai Bar, sip at the masala chai which is served dhaba style and see the rain water dribbling down the streets.
You can also see the skyline and the clouds running above- through the glass window. if you wantto spend some time with yourself and with your hobby then Oxford bookstore is the most comfortable place to do that