Hi friends,
Today I wanna tell you about oxigen wallets poor customer service.
As you know in march 2018 every wallet running offer against kyc. So oxigen also running a offer for kyc.
For this they are giving a 500rs coupon for shopclues
As per offer I get a 500 rs coupon for shopclues and its validity is 30 june. I am so exited to get it.
After some time I tried to buy some items from shopclues and applied provided coupon of rs 500. But it showing invalid coupon.
So I complaint about it via twitter and via mail and also creat ticket of oxigen app.
But for a long time I did not get any reply from their side, so again I complaint about it. After this I got a mail from there side, and now they asked about error and for its screen shot, so I again reply them with screen shot. Than again they mailed and tell coupon is for specific items, but no where they mention about it and also how I know about whoes items covered under this offer and I replied them and asked them about any one item that is covered under this offer, but still 15 day completed and I did not get any reply.
Now friends tell what I do for it and also suggest you to not to use that kind of cheap customer service provider app.