I selected this wallet service because there were offers going on and I want to use that offer so that I can save some money, this is the only reason I chose this service.
I used this service because there were offer going on, on pvr cinamas in that if I pay using oxigen wallet then I have to pay only 50% of the actual cash and 50% will be cash back.
I use this wallet I booked my ticket and I didnt get my cashback is they were offering.
I thought it will be after I watched movie, so after movie also they didnt gave me my cashback.I contacted them after 3 days and then they start my transaction and then I got my cashback.I didnt like their service, what is the point if I have to tell them to give me my cashback, and then they gave it, and the OTP service is too bad, they frequently sending same OTP again and again even after the transaction is done and thats annoying.
and the overall wallet layout also not that good as compared to others.Plus there are not offers running always as many other wallet services always have offers running so that you can save some extra cash.
I would not recommend this if you dont have any other option.