To begin with. such mooch AURO jaisan koin nahin! An old .sorry young Amitabh still ensuring packed houses in multiplexes giving nightmares to the Khans and Roshans! Another endearing performance
by the real "DON" of Hindi cinema! Matching him scene to scene, Bidya Balan gave yet another power packed performance but Abhishek again, though looking ravishing in every scene, was out of place! At times, you feel what is he doing in this movie!
Kudos to the director for presenting AURO to us but his storytelling was below his true
potential. Many issues like problems of an unmarried mother, progeria etc were smartly overlooked and
some ridiculous sequences like sending slum dwellers to occupy the houses of media personnels
were incorporated instead. A fine actor like Paresh Rawal was underutilised and the soundtrack is
mediocre. But the screenplay in patches and Auros friends in school particularly Vishnu, was a treat to watch! At the end you somehow dont feel for Auro just like you did for Anjali in the film by the same name! All said and done an average film again made into an extraordinary movie experience by one
"kid" amitabh!AURO jaisan koin nahin!