Paa is a movie which not only entertains you but also teaches u the importance of love and relationships. It also gives a very important information about a lesser known disease called progeria. Paa is a very simple and sweet film about a 12 year old boy named auro who is suffering from progeria. But the movie is not entirely about this disease and it is a story about auros relationship with his mother and his estranged father.
Paa is a story about abhishek and vidya who meets during their college days and falls in love with each other. Then vidya becomes pregnant and she tells abhishek about it. Abhishek wanted to focus on his career and was not ready to begin a family and so he tells vidya to abort the child. But vidya wanted the child and so she splits with abhishek and gives birth to auro without telling this to abhishek and raises the child with the help of her mother. One day vidya comes to know that auro has progeria which is a rare genetic disorder which accelerates the ageing process and that auro will not live more than 13 years. But then also vidya raises the child like a normal kid. One day abhishek who is a MP now visits auros school and meets auro but unaware of the fact that auro is his child. Then there begins a new relationship betn abhishek and auro and they become friends of each other and then how auro unites abhishek and vidya forms the crux of the plot.
Paas story is simple but its treatment is very different and natural. The first half is full of auros masti and humour with his school friends and with his family. Dialogues of the movie are very natural and realistic. Auros witty dialogues and his jokes extremely chuckle your bones. The film is about a grim disease but the treatment is very light and feel good. The director never goes over the top while portraying emotions and has kept the scenes and dialogues extremely subtle and delicate. The movie works because of fantastic direction by R.balki and his natural dialogues and subtle emotions. The movie never becomes melodramatic or very serious and always remains very light and realistic.
Auros scenes with his friends in school are extremely humorous and also his scenes with vidya and abhishek are very enjoyable. The screenplay is slightly weak in first half but becomes superb in second half and grips u entirely. The climax is very emotinal and heart touching and has been shot brilliantly. The cinematography is exotic and beautiful. Music is also very melodious and mostly comes in the background and songs like muddi muddi and gumsum are beautiful. The makeup of auro has been done excellently and u forget that this is amitabh. It is an award winning makeup of amitabh.
But the real reason why this film works big time is because of brilliant performances by its entire cast. Abhishek gives a very natural and restrained performance and look at his expressions especially in the climax scene and u will agree that he is an excellent actor. Auros school friends also gives superb performances especially a boy named vishnu. He is a treat to watch. Auros granny is brilliant. Vidya comes with an award winning performance and gives amitabh a tough competition in terms of performance. Her expressions and her dialogue delivery both were outstanding. But the winner of the winners is undoubtedly amitabh bachchan who is absolutely mindblowing in the character of auro. In this age to portray a character of a 12 year old boy is an imposible thing but amitabh makes it possible with his brilliant act of auro. He is the soul of the movie and steals your heart with his natural and witty performance. Amitabh is at his best in this movie.
The only negative factor about this movie is abhisheks political angle and his fight with the media and his speech on the corruption and media which is a big bore. Apart from this factor, Paa is a beautiful movie which touches your heart completely. It is not a great film but definitely a very good and sweet film. Watch paa as soon as possible.