Sanjay Leela bhansalis film Padmavati has been mired in controversy after fringe groups including the Karni Cena have claim the movie has restarted historical facts and opposed the release.
Mahatma Gandhi Shivaji Maharana Pratap Rani Laxmi Bai and Padmavati other idols they really stories their sacrifice Infinity acceptable but depicting these characteristics are out of context is not acceptable and that is the reason I am not at all interested in watching this movie.
It is based on an epic Padmavat return by midival Sufi poet Malik Muhammad jayasi in 1540 CE now a Sanjay Leela Bhansali film based on the Epic has read a huge controversy , 477 years after it was written.
Now I would like to give some controversies Galore.
Fringe group Karni Cena has threatened it will gather inlaks and call for a bandh on December 1 our ancestor that history with blood we will not let anyone black in it
Object into the Ghoomar song picturised in the film Heena Singh judeo daughter in law of Dilip Singh judeo of Chhattisgarh former royal family said history has witnessed that none of Rajput maharaani is has ever dance in front of everyone and they cannot play with history
I strongly opposes the film anything that it has been made purely for money and entertainment.