Padma vati
what is Bollywood A film industry which is meant for entertainment but no nowadays it’s main agenda is controversial activities and its publicity gained through that controversy
padma vati is a film that has caused a situation off Rights in the country as shown in the film A Rajputana Queen Padma vati is shown in the dreams off A Muslim Kingallowe din killji which is not excepted by Rajputana hours because the Queen is like pride for them in fact the film is not released yet if it is done so The result won’t be forgettable it may lead for religious rights in the country which may lead to damage off Life and other belongings
however Rajputana are demanding not to release this movie but the fact is that due to so much of publicity this film has set its market and it has got the licence of being super hitmovie due to its controversial story however we don’t know the result but the conclusion is that Rajputana are just burning like charcoal and there is nothing that can stop them