is India’s largest online MBA community forum. It has over two lakh registered users who span an astoundingly wide variety of people and through the various discussion threads one gets to interact with and exchange thoughts with an amazingly diverse set of people.
At first glance, does have a slightly cluttered way of presenting information. What does come through is that this website has a lot of information to offer. On the home page there are links to articles which cover reviews of Indian B-Schools, interviews of directors of high profile Indian B-Schools, overview of trends and current happenings at B-Schools across the country.
There is also a list of links that point to the currently active threads. A closer look however reveals some order in the apparent chaos. The articles are categorized according to the main issues that they deal with and there are also tabs by way of which a person can navigate the website. There is a search facility which allows one to zero in on desired discussion threads. claims to be “insanely different” and it really
is when compared to its online counterparts. No other Indian website can
compare with it in terms of its utility as an online community and the manner
in which people network among themselves, co-operate and go out of their way to
help each other out. And all this camaraderie is fostered even as they fiercely
compete with one another in the rat race that revolves around the CAT.
There are many means by which people can garner information
on B-Schools across India;
speak with current MBA students, check out official websites, go through
magazines which release rankings etc. However, while these are time tested and
reliable means no doubt, individually they only provide a single perspective on
things. It comes down to the student to aggregate the information, objectively
analyse views and opinions and make a final decision. This is where proves to be very useful as a repository of information obtained
from all the parties involved in the
MBA show. People from all kinds of backgrounds exchange views, thoughts and
pass general gyan on anything and
everything dealing with MBA. Current students, alums, working professionals all
comment on issues that are raised in the community forum. Hell, even the
Director of ISB ran a thread on in which he answered queries that
people had regarding his institute! It is safe to assert that such free and
priceless dissemination of information dealing with MBA is not available
through any other medium in India.
Even if one’s not an MBA aspirant, is a useful
place to stop by and check out how the MBA game’s played. Be careful though,
you just might get addicted!