If Google is there then Good and striving for perfection will always will be there, same here with the case with Google page creators
1.Google is a big tool in which all different tool can be fond which are essential for making website designing
2.Autosave is also cool feature of Google pages
3.It had good collections of template and other themes
4.It has good file manager
5.It has good action combo boc from which user can activate following actions:
5.1 Duplicate
5.2 Delete
6.It had another good feature known as "Enable experimental feature" which is not there with any of there with any of the same type of provider. This type of feature help the person to choose the feature which still not deployed.
7.It also have good upload manager
8.User can publish the page with ease
- User can view web page as they type it is like true online web deisgn and web page maining editor
Praveen Pandey