“Passage to Pakistan “
Lot hulla hulla has been done of this Indo-pak rift whether it is a game of Cricket or now it has reached this beautiful community building website, my Mouthshut.com. I have strongly responded to Imran’s review on India, and any individual wouldn’t like to hear bad about his country. This is always been happening around the world, Germans wouldn’t like to hear good about the Russians, Australian’s wouldn’t like to hear good about the N’zlanders, UK wouldn’t like to hear good about the Irish, Iraq wouldn’t like to hear good about Iran and Vice a Versa.
Have we ever thought what are we getting into, when we a Sensible and matured individual of the International community are mudding each other based on religion, cast, creed etc. Now as an Indian, who has never lived in Pakistan, China, Australia or Uk for more than 1mths, cannot tell millions of Pakistani’s or the Chinese or the Australian’s or the British about their political system or their city, or the internal problems. How can someone who has stayed in India for 3 days talk ill about India.
Based on a few individual are we justified in complaining about the entire country, No you can’t? Everyone must be thinking what has happened to Asyis whom till yesterday was talking bad about Pakistan and today he is recommending this country to the entire world. Like a normal Indian when I saw Imran’s review, I immediately thought of writing a negative review on Pakistan and in fact even wrote a review and was about to submit it, when I realised that what fool I have been. Just because some one spoke bad of India, will India become worst, no it won’t similarly if Asyis writes ill about Pakistan will it affect the image of Pakistan no it wont because I will be treated as fool who is reacting to a person who is not thinking from his brains but trying to attract attention.
This is one Imran-Asyis fighting on telling whose country is best or worst, imagine if lacs of Imran-Asyis does this what will happen, every other person you meet will have the vengeance and anger and this whole world will become a dangerous place to live in.
I really don’t want to make MS a place for such mud sledging and would like to give you a fair review.
Now my review wont be an unbiased review by an Indian but a review which will totally based on the prospective of a Pakistani friend of mine. This review is for all the individuals who want to visit Pakistan as a tourist and want to know about the culture and the history of the company. Keeping the Indian prospective behind, I would want to be as fair as possible.
Tourist prospective…
When I was doing my MS, had a Pakistani friend and, wanted to know and was inquisitive about knowing what is there in Pakistan and what if a tourist goes to Pakistan, what are the things he get to see and the attitude of the Pakistani people towards the general tourist.
History…they say is of Past…
When you write about a country, its very important that we know at least a fair idea about the history of the country. Though the history tends to always haunt the present but taking good things in life lets move ahead and know what Pakistan has history in stored.
Indus Valley Civilization
Along the mighty river of Indus were settled some the earliest civilizations on earth with some great travellers like Harrapa to the Moghuls like Mohammed Bin Qasim making it their place. You can see the ancient civilization of Mohan Je daro, Harrapa. I would love to visit this place in future.
Live with present in mind….
Pakistan was born in the year 1947 when they got separated from India. Though it was not an easy task for Pakistan to survive because unlike India they didn’t have a government of its own but they had to start from scratch. The aggressive nature of Pakistani’s has really taken them places. Whether it’s a game of crickets or building their own country.
Bhutto has been the inspiration behind Pakistan’s rise. He really changed the face of Pakistan and he has been said as the man behind what the modern Pakistan. Though there has been more political un-stability with military taking over the reigns and controlling the entire country.
Language they speak…
People in Pakistan speak Urdu, which I think is one of the sweetest languages. I just love when some speak Urdu; it really brings music to ears. Speaking of music, Ghazals has been the most cherished and has been heard even in India. The source of Ghazals has always been Urdu.
People, Food, Culture. …
People of Pakistan are friendly like the Indians they treat you warmly and you get homely feeling.You can get some exquisite sweets, which we do get to relish at the Mohammedali Road in Mumbai or in the streets of Lucknow.
Since lot of Arab culture has been overshadowing Pakistan some of the good stuffs you can collect at Pakistan, one is jewellery, great carpets.
Cities where you can listen to sound of God…
Like in most the Islamic cities you can listen to the sound of God were people do their routine Namaz.. Like most of the Islamic Country they really follow their religion like anything. The modern city of Karachi and Lahore does reflect the modernization of Pakistan. It was interesting to see some of the modern cars available in Pakistan. No doubt the duty charges are not that high, hence can get foreign goods easily.
Like India, for Pakistan Cricket has been their religion and you can see children’s playing cricket in the local street. Apart from cricket, hockey has been in prominence and has been the world-beaters with some of the greatest championship won, like The Champion’s Trophy & World Cup. Pakistan has also produced the greatest Squash Players like Janghir Khan & Jansher Khan.
Do visit this country, and enjoy the Ancient Civilization, the Modern city of Karachi, the sweets, and the excellent and exquisite jewellery. I highly recommend Pakistan to everyone.
I know, I may not have totally justified, but this is my sincere effort in bringing this neighbouring country of India.
“Heal the world…
Make a better place for you and for me and the entire Universe…”
How true, lets forget the grudges and don’t get carried by a few hundred people who try to spoil the image of any nation. Every country has their own pros and cons, get the good things in life and throw the bad things aside. Even US does sound good from above, but when you live in the place like NY where in Harlem you find it dangerous to walk because most of the people carry a gun.
So let not 1 or 2 people change your prosepective of the country...
This review is dedicated to the thousands of Soldier’s dying in the war at the Indo-Pak border ….and my sincere suggestion to both the government, lets forget the past and look for the new and a peaceful future…