A little history lesson for people on the other side of the border...
Who is India really friends with? China.. NO, Pakistan..NO, and Bangladesh... heck NO. India has fought with all three neighbors in the recent past. Only Nepal does not have the balls to deal with this hungry BULL.
Kashmir was part of Pakistan and not India. In 1948, it was India who attacked Pakistan and took over most of Kashmir. Go check out some Micro Films from library or find UN resolutions from 1948.
When India did Nuclear explosions, very first comment from the lame A. B. Vajpai was Now we can easily swallow Pakistan and when Pakistan did the Nuclear tests, the same sick man walking with support changed the statement to We are good neighbors and we want peace Typical Indian/Hindu mentality.
Look at what India had and what Pakistan had when the two countries separated. And now compare what Pakistan has vs. what India has.
We have to face that both countries are very poor with a lot of problems. We can write for ever about bad for each other. Its just that we should look at ourself before talking about anybody else. I hope my Indian readers will appreciate this little history lesson above. And before writing bad reviews in response to my post, please research the facts.