Pakistan is a neighbour of India but before 1947 partition were they any different country, they were the same as we were, same face and all other features, Then why the hell was Pakistan was created , Hehe , my posting a review wont change anything nor I intend to change anything.
Pakistan is having a land area of 803, 940 sq km and is smaller then India, infact its smaller then California, You know it has a population of 16.5 crore and is increasing faster then even India at the rate of 2 % population growth rate, Its capital is Islamabad and its major cities are Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi
But as a neighbour we have to have a good relationship with this country but as history tells us, we dont have anything of that sort only thing India and Pakistan end up doing is keeping meetings and meetings and peace process continues, In my opinion and this is strictly my opinion, its the clear mistake of Pakistan that is we have no peace between the 2 countries.
Pakistan was created on the basis of hatred, communal hatred a land given specially for Muslims and based for Islam, Ok you wanted a different country then why the heck you couldnt get country comprising of all the religions, India is supportive of all the religions but Pakistan isnt, Secondly Pakistan always copies India in its military and other defence related things, Pakistan even has started many wars of India and it all lost the wars, I mean there is nothing wrong with the people of Pakistan, it has been the government which has been doin this
Pakistan is a Failed Democracy
Yes! it is, I was just looking at the site and looking at the number of military takeovers or the coup that has taken place for the government take overs in Pakistan, even the current president is there due to that military coup. This is wrong and for the betterment of my pakistani friends there should be democracy in there.
Pakistans Strengths
Pakistan in simimlarity to India also has good brains, it has also Nuclear Power (debatable that why it has) which can be used to produce Electricity etc, You know Pakistan is a good producer of Hydro Power and has nice infrastructure in the same, Pakistan has a nice islamic culture. Umm I hope my pakistani frnds reading this could add a little more to that.
Why Contd...
Pakistan has never been original and it always Imitates india, Nuclear Test were imitated, Bollywood is badly copied and I blame completely Pakistan for the Piracy of bad VCDs and DVDs, This so I can easily prove because I see many pakistani ads in that pirated DVDs and VCDs like Chintoo candy etc etc., Pakistan also isnt supporting much its music, Its INdia that is giving chance to Pakistani Artist, Its not that we are doing some Ehsaan or something, its just that Indians know how to promote talent, Look at Adnan Sami, Ali Hyder and recently Ali Azmat.
Pakistan always have asked China for help and in every area it takes help of China, why doesnt it rely on itself.
India and Pakistan
Honestly we share the same culture, same upbringing, its just political motives that has made us partition, more and more students group are visiting pakistan and india, so this is helping, WHy dont both the countries look at bad issues like Poverty etc and keep fighting on Kashmir. I feel currently its really good phase, there is little peace and also we have good talks with them.
Pakistan can also be a good nation
It is a good nation but with not a democratic government, please get in democracy, control population, get a control on your strengths and please look after your country rather then wasting time in what India is doing and how can be better that.
All in all
Pakistan is a good country and a nice neighbour but it has its problems, instead of solving those problems it keeps on thinking what is India doing.
To be Honest
1) Stop beating around the Bush of Kashmir
2) Stop Piracy and dont copy bollywood.
3) We all know that how people in pakistan like the bollywood stars and watch the movies chupke se.
4) Look at issues like poverty etc.
The review was written in consultation with my chachi, I referred to the CIA site for the information and also talked a lot with our Pakistani friend here in LA, GUL she is so nice a person.
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