Well - having been a previleged Fiat Una owner for the last 4 years here are the reasons why one should avoid buying any fiat product.
1) Quality of service is pathetic...period.
2) Customer service orientation of fiat as an organization and of its authorized service dealers (I know about Hyderabad) is non existent
3) Resale value of non-taxi-segment-cars very low
4) The technical skills of the mechanics at the authrorized service center very low and they have minimal tools and tackles
5) They simply take too much time to do anything on your car.
6) They sell cars like any door to door salesman would -- I was told that my uno could be fitted with a power steering later!
Fiat as a product is not all that bad its the service around the product which is very poor. Unless fiat junks its entire service & sales agencies and builds the set up from scratch it would never be anywhere close to Hyundai, Maruti or Ford in India.