There are few cars that inspire poetry. This is one. I am a new user and am extremely pleased with my acquisition.
Built with a lot of thought, the beauty is evident in the finer details as you get used to the car. The road handling is excellent, and the power is good.
Another feature of the car is that it is very spacious and has a tough body - which is reassuring and adds to the ride quality.
Chand pe bhi daag hote hain
Yeh to phir bhi Car hai
These being the plusses, there are a couple of minuses too. Sitting on the drivers seat, the first thing one sees is the pillar - it appears almost in front of you. even while reversing the car, the car has more than an average number of blind spots, due to the pillars.
Though I have to yet check out the fuel efficiency, it appears quite low (8 - 8.5).
Another drawback - the room provided in the dashboard is a little small, and the and the front panelling - though beautiful, the curvaciousness makes it a little impractical.