I bought sencond hand Fiat Palio 1.2 elx petrol model in June 07. It had done 23k kms when I took over it.Till no I have done 33k kms.Actually its a 2003 march model. following are the pros and cons
Space Inside: The car is spacious if you compare it with santro, Indica, Wagon R and more or less same when compared to U-Va and Getz. I find it a bit less spacious(Dont find much leg room) in the drivers sit since I m 6 feet tall and healty too(khate peete ghar ka hu;)). But for medium built guy it shud be very comfortable. the rear sits are also comfortable and gives you good space to stretch your legs.
There is not much space inside to keep water bottles and small stuffs. It doesnt have a cup holder too(even a alto and others have it).
Interiors: Not so good. Though the quality is good but does not have interiors like the Getz(I like the Getz interiors). Palios interiors are very very simple. the only plus point is the location of car stereo. It is placed very nicely above the A/c vents.
Reliability: Amazing built. The cars body is rock solid. You get that thuck sound when closing the doors. awesome built. Fiat is well known for that. I have seen cases where there is dent on a Indica after being hit a plastic ball. he he .Now the car is more than 5 yrs but still rocks. You cimply cant compare it with any other hatchback when it comes to built quality of Palio.
Looks: It looks good. It has a sporty look and looks like car. Some hatchbacks now a days dont look like cars but some thing weird. But again looks are subjective. Looks awesome when fitted with rear spolier, magwheels and few sporty stickers her and there.The car looks real sporty in Red. Heard they have painted the car in ferrari Red, the orignal paint given ti ferrari. I own a hazel grey palio that is also a color oprion with ferrari. Cool na? a ferrari color. he he .
Maintenance: Its being 11 months I have it with me and not much of maintenance. Got it serviced it once at 29k with oil change, oil filter change, change of wiper blades, head light bulb sockets, etc. and bill amt was 2500. I dont find much expensive but others may. As I said earlier, the car is very sturdy and quality of parts is good so you dont have to visit the service center again and again. But yes, the parts are a bit expensive. Have not changed any major part of them though but the front the bonnet replaced. Why? Accident! Bus banged into my cars front bonnet;( . But we were safe. Got replaced with the orignal paint for 7000 bucks.
Now the big thing. Kitna mileage deti hai aapki gaddi? How much does it run per litre?
Mileage: 10.5 kms\ltr with 75% A/c ON in Pune traffic. Thats a but low since I cover daily 30 kms and more on weekends. Thats the point where the car not totally(also after sales service hampered) but yes, failedt to capture the market. Palio was launched approx. in 2001 or 02(not sure). At that time we had santro giving a mileage of more than 14, later Wagon R more than 13, etc. So who would go for a car whose mileage is not more then 11 in city. Some people(very few) say they get 12-13 and I m yet to find out how? There were few buyers who bought it(a very good decision).On the highways I get 14 kms\ltr with 75% A/c ON.
Another big thing!. see below
Service: After the tie up with Tata I have heard from Fiat owners that the service given to their cars is better than the previous ones. Even I didnt find any much difficulty in getting my car serviced and getting the bonnet replaced. the only thign where Tatas need to work is to teach their guys to be perfect in whatever they do. The workers lack perfection . An irritating sound was coming from th door. the windows glass when full down was clashing with the door. Told then during the service and got it recitfied on delivery. They said they there was some issue with alternater and thety fixed it.But it has again come up and now I dont have time to show it to them.but will show it to them soon.
In city, drving is prettty comfortable and parking too(car is not huge but spacious from inside). Power steering helps a lot.I have no issue while reversing the car which some people complain about.I have done coupele of trips covering 600 kms in one trip with 5 adults including me and highways the car was pretty stable at 125kms\hr. Thats my top speed:) . Its really difficult to pull the car after swtiching on the A/c. more difficult when overtaking and taking steeps. I literally used to switch off the A/c at these times.
Now I am planning to sell the car as looking for a bigger car and going for Tata Safari simply because I love it.
For people who are thinking of a used Palio to buy, go for it! Its a nice and sturdy car and available at a pretty low price, thanks to its low resale value because of low mileage and service and spare parts availability issue.
Overall, A very good hatchback.