Hi Guys!
I have been reading a lot of bad reviews about FIAT PALIO and I have been prompted to write this review because of that only. I have a FIAT PALIO 1.2 Petrol for last 3 years and done 50000 KM on it. Most of the time I have driven it in Delhi and some 10K KMs on highways. The bad feedback that people have been giving for quite sometimes relate to Fuel efficiency, build quality and bad service by FIAT dealers. Let me take these points one by one.
Fuel efficiency: From the day one I am getting an av. of 11 in local with AC switched-on all the times and 12 without AC (in winters). On highways it has been giving me 14-14.5 most of the time, which is quite good for a car which weighs more than 1000 KGs.A few of my friends also have this car and they also get the same figures.
Build Quality: I dont think there is a perfect car in this world which has no problems.Minor problems have always been there with all the cars.If people remember some of the cars which were launched in INDIA were taken back by the manufacturers because of gear box problems(I hope every body knows about it).
I can write the name here but my objective is not to call bad names to other car manufacturers.Till date I have not faced any such problems with the car.I have had 2-3 minor accidents also but my PALIO only got a few scratches here or there on bumper.So I can say that build quality is as good as any other B or C segment car.
Service: I agree that service was not the best with most of the FIAT dealers but the situation has improved quite a lot in last few months.The dealers show genuine interest with the problems that the owners have.I have experienced this in my last 2-3 visits to the dealers.But things are definitely improving.
Waiting for your kind comments.
Happy Palio Driving