I bought the palm m105 at singapore many years ago. I think it was just about getting popular, and color screens were hardly available except at very high price points.
as you might know, palm invented the pda, and even today can teach the others a trick or two in innovation and keeping ahead of consumer interest or need. my need at that time was quite simply -- a pda! I did not want to pay too much money and did not mind a heavy unstylish pda that did not have a color screen.
i think I got what I expected to get, and more. the m105 provides more than enough memory to store the average corporate professionals contact lists and other details many times over. the only crib I have is that the m105 chews up 2 aaa batteries every 60-70 days or so. this gets worse if you have the habit of hotsyncing with your pc very often. of course the plus side here is that you dont need to charge your pda every 3-5 days (like in the ones that have rechargeable batteries). the other minor irritant I have is that the sync cord does not support usb ports. therefore, when you feel the need for usb-based hotsyncing, you have to spend good money to buy a usb-to-pin adaptor cable. the m105 cannot be carried in your shirt pocket too often -- unless you fortify the stitches holding your pocket :-)
all things said, I remain quite happy with the m105. I am looking forward to a few more years of trouble free service from this reliable piece of personal help.