Palmolive shaving is very good product and I have been using it for many years and am really happy with this one.
They come in couple of different types but I prefer my usual lemon refreshing one.Reasons why I use this shaving gel cream-They are really refreshing as small quantity of cream is enough for a complete clear shave.
They lather nicely in good quantity to cover all the beard area.It smoothens the beard hairs and make it perfect for shave.
With any blade it gives a clear and smooth shave.It nicely makes skin smooth and even if you have pimples it wont make any cut on face.Even after shave it keeps skin and leaves a cooling effect on skin.
It has a lovely sporty aroma of lemon and stays for quite long time after shave if you dont use any aftershave creams.It comes in easy packs handy to carry by even while travelling
The cost of this cream a bit high but the quality is great so I regularly use this one.Even people whom I recommended never came across any allergy or bad commenta about this cream.
Tip- use warm bit hot water for rinsing face and while shaving it gives better results.Am totally happy with this cream and would definitely recommend to those looking for good shaving cream.