Panache have a wide range of desktop PCs which have following Key Features.
Very Compact in size. Can fit very conveniently any where in the office, home or shop.- Consumes 75% less power in comparison with normal old style CPUs. IT is a Green PC.- Can be upgraded to suit the requirement.- Panache have wide range of Thin Clients which have all above listed advantages.- The looks are quite contemporary and attractive and modern.- The price of PCs is also very attractive and affordable.
These PCs are very good for general application for use in Banks, Corporate offices, Lotetrie centers, Homes, enterprises etc. They have limitations for use with advanced applications like graphic designing, CAD applications etc. where larges size mother boards are needed which can not be accommodated in the small size cabinets.
One can see and select the PCs by visiting Panaches website which also has on-line product booking facility.