Hi All,
Its been 11 days till now and my Washing machineelectric motor, which needs to be changed has not arrived from Gurgaon to Bangalore. I paid Rs 400/- as advance booking of the part which I am still waiting for
I wonder if in todays competitive world Panasonic takes such long time to deliver a basic part to its customer more than 11days.
Moreover, there is NO Escalation point - the request is with the service center and it is completely on them when they can or rather want to serve. Every time I call them the answer is day after tomorrow evening we will fix your machine.however no luck till now as Panasonic part has not arrived yet.
Is Gurgaon that far - absolutely non acceptable & explanation both by the Service center and Customer care center.
The pathetic part is the customer care executives response - they are mere parrots to mug up a few sentences and speak like mull functioned robots - same ans for ten different question.
I am terribly disappointed with Panasonic.
Hope this review helps.
Thanks and Regards,