Hi this phone are prize very high and the feature quantity and quality not be good.the phone sound not very clear.the phone used 3 GB RAM and 16 GB internal memory but at this prize the other phone provide the more Internal memory so this phone have low storage.the battery 4000 mah big battery but the performance not very good it was drain very fast and if you continuously used this phone then it was heating and it was main big problems this phone.the display quality good and it was used latest android 7.0 nougat version.the phone weight little bit high and the size of the screen is 5.2 inch.the heavy weight and big size to difficult to handling this phone.the camera quality in morning good but after low light it was not provide the good picture.the deisn of the phone are ordinary nothing to attractive on hand.the phone prize little bit high and the feature not good quality so do not buy this phone try the other phone.