The price of this phone is 11490 rs and the specifications of the phone is belongs to 6500 rs.yes, redmi 4 provide this specifications in just 6000 rs even some extra features available in redmi 4.
the main difference is it has 3 gb ram and worst processor and redmi 4 has 2 gb ram and Snapdragon 435 processor which are far-far better than this Panasonic phone.
I recommend you to dont purchase this phone and waste your 11490 rs.
if you want any phone in just 11000 rs, then according to my opinion purchase redmi note 4( 3gb variant) in 11000 rs which are best phone in my opinion and far better than this Panasonic phone.
lets compare this phone and redmi note 4.
it has 720p resolution display whereas redmi note 4 has 1080p full hd resolution display.
it has 4000 mah battery whereas redmi note 4 has 4100 mah battery and last longer than Panasonic.
it has MediaTek MT6735 processor which are very bad processor whereas redmi note 4 has Snapdragon 625( based on 14nm technology) processor which is a latest processor and far far better than this.
the camera of redmi note 4 is much better than Panasonic phone.
And if you purchase the Panasonic phone you will never get updates for sure.
so according to me dont buy this phone you waste your money.
I will suggest you to buy redmi note 4( 3gb variant) which are available in only 11000 rs and far far better than this phone and you will get updates also.
you can also purchase redmi note 4( 2gb and 4gb variant) also.
but I dont recommend you to buy this Panasonic eluga l3 mega.
so this is my honest review on this phone if you like my review then dont forgot to like my review and dont forgot to share my review.
thank you have a nice day.