The best of lot. The name "PANASONIC" in FAX industry speaks its quality & value for money.
I have supplied a thermal paper fax machine since last 10 years & not received a single complain till today.But looking to the market trends & latest sophisticated models I again prefer to buy a Laser fax of "PANASONIC" make.
Looking to other branded FAX machines I found that "Brothers" Fax repairing service is very bad. "Sharp" is good but its delivery system requires at least 15 days.
But, before installing any FAX machine it should be invariably checked thoroghly for proper earthing otherwise the machine will damage. Also a CVT & UPS connection is very essential to keep the FAX machine in good condition for more than 10 years so that one could practically get the value of his hard earned money.
However, considering all the pros & cons I will definitely suggest other willing business peronnels should buy a Laser FAX which will ultimately boost their business.