Panasonic is coming out with camcorder models giving sleep less nights to the competition.
Here is one of them which I bought klong back still works the same amazing way. That is Panasonic NV-VX70EN model camcorder. This camcorder is a sleek one with easy carrying weight, affordable too.
Some of the features I liked are,
Recording in full auto mode - It can adjust the white balance & focus automatic. You can do that manually too.
Selection of recording speed (SP/LP) - saves some casette time & can do longer times recording.
play back - This is just amazing with so many ways of playback options.You can view playing back on a LCD monitor (huge 4 inch screen) OR on a TV, OR on a VCR, OR directly onto your computer too. Further, you can do a cue playback or review playback or still playback too. Cool stuff!
Power - Yu can use a battery, or a supply through power adaptor.
Adjusting picture quality on LCD - I have controls for volume, brightness and color to change dynamically on the picture being recorded, to set seeing on a LCD (easy on eyes). I can play with color saturation, luminance intensity or the volume of the sound.
finder adjustment - You can turn the eyepiece corrector ring to the point where the indications in the finder are the sharpest, for best picture quality.
set date and time, superimposed on the picture.
recording check function - By automatically playing back the final approx 2 seconds of last recorded scene, I can check a just finished scene whether it has been recorded correctly and as intended.for important scenes, I will use this from time to time for confirmation. Very useful stuff.
Searching for a tape position before the end of last recording - This makes life easy to search for a point in a previously recorded scene from which I want to start recording a new scene. This ensures smooth scene-to-scene transitions free from being picture getting distorted. When you travel, this makes a lot of sense. * Macro closeup - I can record very small subjects such as small flowers, god own beautiful insects..
Power save - This helps me a lot when I travel and record once in a while. The Anti-ground recording function is JUST COOL.
Super image stabilizer - This compensates for camera shake during hand-held recording and really ensures steady and stable pictures. I use this when I record while walking, or on a moving car or I am zooming for a distant object.
It has other features like Fading in/out, snapshot, Digital effects like mix, Strobe and Motion sensor controlled recording etc too.
Way to go, folks!