I bought this panasonic Tau TV after doing enough and comparesion with various other equally priced TVs like Samsung , LG and little higher priced Sony Trinitron (During the time I bought, now both are samy price ) . my research in the web regarding the Tau technology yielded that its better than Trinitron . The next step I compared the picture quality with Sony in the Showroom by placing them next to each other, in which Tau win. Another aspect is the sound quality in which Sony and Panasonic both stands equal. (not comparable to other models in this category from Samsung and LG). The features provided are very basic like picture and sound options. No equalizers , no child lock. The on/off timer operations are very confusing , you cant set the time to on/off , but it is set by setting the number of hours from the time you set it. Similarly the channel position setting is also very tedious , which you cant do without seeing the manual atleast for the first few times.
Apart from this you dont get things like Games which is available in much cheaper models from Samsung. If you are only concerned about good picture , you can go for this.