Ive gone through the reviews and its remarks. It was really impressive. Actually I read the reviews before buying the set. Keepin everything in my mind I went to the showroom, I had only one thing in my mind....snub out this piece (TC-29PS78W). I browsed thru many sets .... Sony...Samsung... LG.... Toshiba.
Out of these Toshibas pict quality was kinda good......Then I thought of sneakin a quick look at Panasonic TC-29PS78W.........Wolaa!!...to my surprise it had an unsurpassed picture and sound quality.....but wait...Vipul remarked about the smokey effect at the sides of the screen ...... Well?.hmmm?bluntly speakin...the effect is there... and so with the rest of the sets.
I saw the same effect with the Sony Models. Its because....when the bass and woofer depth is amplified, it causes vibration to the electron gun which gives the sides a smokey effect .......Sony sets have somethin called Intelligent Picture...........hmmmm........maybe the picture was intelligent enough to make it tidious. Hold on a sec?Vilas claims that its screen is not that flat?..Vilas?.let me tell you somethin?, even with Sony or Samsung or LG or any other sets.
The outside frame will be 100% flat?but inside frame will be around 93% flat. It?s imperceptible but it?s how it is. I?ve checked this out with all the flat TV?s (leaving out LCDs and Plasma Displays). Bottom line......this set is terrific.