Panchgani is a beautiful place, it is in Satara district of Maharastra. If u are travelling from bbay it takes almost 7 hrs.
Panchgani has greenary all around, there are lots good schols and hostels here which adds to its beauty.
It has small beautifull market where in you get all the stuffs that u need. The people of Panchgani are very helpfull and loveable.
There are lots of beautifull places in Panchgani which are worth visiting like table- land, sydney point, parssi point, thapa point, childrens park.
Table Land is most famous and visited place in Panchgani, it is special bcos it is at a higher level and from this point u can see the whole panchgani which looks gorgeous.on table-land one can really enjoy.Theres horseriding, games,
giantwheel and many more.Thats aplace where everyone enjoys.Youll find schoolkids playing around and enjoying.Its the second biggest plateau in asia.Every second or third day ull find film shooting going on.So, if u are lucky ull surely meet one of the stars.
the best season to go to this place is during diwali time.ull find the whle place crowded and it really looks good.other seasons the place looks quiet.
I think I need stop here, bcos I want you all to go and experience the paradise on earth and enjoy it to the max.
Thats all from nick on Panchgani