Panchmarhi.Hill Station of heart of India.situtated in Madhypradesh. It is 45 KM from Piparia. You can reach there by Train or by Road. If you go there by Train, go to Piparia which is small station and then from there it is 45 KMs away. By road also you can go, condition of road is much better now. Now about Panchmarhi, good hotel are there, only MP tourism is having 8-9 properties and all are in good condition and well maintained.
Its a beautifull place, very good points for sight seeing but you need to walk a lot because you cant drive your vehicle at last mile of point. Few good places are bee fals, apsara falls, sunset point, pandav caves, Jatashanker, bada mahadev, chhota mahadev and few others. We went to Panchmarhi on Diwali - 2007 and stayed there for 3 nights, we have completed sight seeing in 2 days.
We enjoyed a lot but cost of sight seeing is very expensive. Gypsy wala took 1200 INR per day, whereas total travelling in a day was just about 30-40 KMs. When you go to falls, carry extra cloths with you so that you can take bath. Dont expect much from food, we were in Amaltas hotel and we enjoyed food there but apart from that everywhere Food was Bakvas.