*August 2010
NEVER Clear and professional*
Was never clear on what he spoke or acted professionally or punctual, greeted tourists.
Was not well versed with the Necessary Information of the tour
a) Inform the visitors about the importance of the location and the background of these places.
b) Uses Interesting Language which is difficult to understand.
c) Relays natural history stories appropriate to the message
Had least experience in managing the Group i.e, had no idea about
a) Makes sure everyone can see and hear well or capture precious moments.
b) Visitors safe passage
c) Handles unexpected situations
d) Chooses comfortable locations for stops
Relaying Accurate Information and Handles Difficult situations, the tour manager didn’t know these
a) Relays only accurate information
b) Is honest(“I don’t know if this attitude is acceptable by Panickers” acted purely as a commission agent and we had to bare the cost )
Furthermore the hotel Ganga View in Srinagar was too scruffy.
We had to bare the hot water cost for bathing at an exorbitant cost of 35/- per bucket in some of your esteemed hotels, I assume its horrible to pay every thing additional after paying for the accommodation.
Please clarify if only 5 bottles of water is provided for the entire 11 days trip.
As we were only 14 for the 27 seat bus, it was literally a public transport where the manager was picking up passengers for short distance. Unable to accept this, we informed Panicker’s office about this “ some unknown people were allowed inside the cab while travelling”; the manager threatened us asking why we called the office, so decided to discontinue the tour from Haridwar which was miserable .
The worst ever experience in my lifetime.