Food bazaar, a division of pantaloons, claims to sell products of all the brands. However, reality is far from truth. they only stock and sell products of brands who give them a higher percentage of commission. I went to their stores and could not find few items which I required. the artificially smiling sales girl went on and on elaborating on the product they sold but easily by passed by demand of product saying they are no longer manufactured. to my utter surprise I found the product I was looking for in another shop, much smaller than Food Bazaar.
This is the case with all the big branded malls who tie up with a particular brand in selling their product. The point is that the sales person should not tell lies about the non availibility of the product. Plus, these stores do not keep small sachets packing like shampoo, detergent powders , tooth pastes etc which are required for travelling. what is the point in going to these stores when we do not get what we want and end up shopping things which we did not need in the first place!!!!!