Recently I had a visit to Pantaloons in Bharath Mall, Mangalore during their end of season sale. I recieved a warm welcome by the showroom personnel. He spoke to me about my requirements and was very friendly. But he escaped in few moments as he was not patient enough to listen to me and he told another person to attend me. This went on and I had to speak to three more people.
I purchased 2 pairs of trousers costing Rs 650/- each. After I started using them, one was in good condition while other started fading out. Then it appeared ugly with ditinct lines and I couldnt wear it. A friend of mine suggested me to give it for dye and I did the same.
I had to wait for a month and half after which the person in dyeing gave me my trouser back. Now it is good condition but it left a bad impression on me about Pantaloons selling such a low quality product. I complained about this through e-mail but there is no reply till today.
Now I feel it is better to purchase garments from reputed merchants who are in this business for many years. They keep their garments packed atleast and ensure that they give their best for their customers. These people open an air conditioned showroom, keep everything open so that customers can see, wear, touch and then sell it.
I suggest that people should think twice before purchasing in such company showrooms since there is a chance of purchasing substandard garments and you have to purchase such a garment which is already worn many people for trial!