At the beginning when I was new to Pantaloon I found many variety of design from both shirts and jeans but I dont know why the stock is not even getting changed even you go for shopping after some months always I found the old stocks just a bit of additional discount is being added and more over the customer service is not up to the mark specially when it comes to the billing part and the trail room is even quite uncomfortable
But the only thing I liked in Pantaloon is the offers provided by them specially when it comes to jeans then usually provide buy one get two free offers but even there the product is branded but not of good quality they are usually unsold products from quite long duration
the only reason of going Pantaloon is for its latest stock are somewhat new to try but the good thing is it can cope up with all man kind with all ages including Kids
but the main disadvantage is with the behavior of the staff with the customer is not up to satisfactory