Without a doubt, I can truthfully say that Pantene products are the best Ive ever tried. Ive used just about every conditioner on the market, looking for that elusive softness and shine without flatness setting in. Pantene conditioner is superb in this respect.
The conditioner comes in a standard 15 ounce white bottle that looks almost identical to all the other formulas of Pantene conditioner, so you absolutely have to remember which formula works best for you. You can get lazy with other brands, since the bottles are different colors and you can just remember that you like the blue one.The conditioner itself is a thick, opaque, white, slightly pearlescent liquid. The fragrance is rich, with an exotic slightly floral overtone. It smells so good that Id actually buy a perfume that smelled like it.
You apply it just like any other conditioner: squeeze a dollop in your palm and rub it into your wet hair, leave it in for a few minutes, then rinse out. You can feel actually feel the difference this conditioner is making as you massage it through your hair. Your hair feels smooth and thicker before you even rinse it out. Its also a great detangler. As an experiment one day, I didnt brush my hair before washing it, because I wanted to see how well it detangled. I applied the conditioner, grabbed a comb and held my breath. The comb ran through my hair easily, without hitting one tangle or snarl. It rinses out easily, leaving your hair squeaky clean.
The real test is how it works after your hair is dry, and once again, Pantene lived up to its reputation! Whether you blow dry or let your hair dry naturally, Pantene leaves your hair feeling so silky and soft that you cant resist running your fingers through your hair just to feel it. It also adds volume and shine, which last through out the day. Many conditioners will leave your hair limp, and by the end of the day your hair has an oily look to it. Ive used Pantene for years now, and my hair always looks great. If youve never tried this wonderful conditioner, you dont know what youre missing.