I just recently started using Pantene products. My hair was perfectly healthy and growing longer and stronger. I had no shedding or breakage. When I started using Pantene my hair started shedding at an alarming rate. My hair is severely broken off in 3 different spots. My hair is thinner now and it constantly sheds. I HAVE AN EXTREMELY STRONG DISLIKE FOR PANTENE PRODUCTS. I have to keep my hair in a pony tail until it grows back. IM SO DISAPPOINTED IN PANTENE PRODUCTS, THEY ARE SO EXPENSIVE AND THEIR Commercials lie ... To get you to buy the product. Pantene has ruined my hair.
As one consumer to another, if you value the hair on your head ... Please, please dont use pantene products. Im considering a class action law suit. I work to hard to keep my hair in a healthy status to have this happen. I hope to have my hair back on the right track before christmas. Ive worked so hard to keep my hair healthy, long and strong. I thought by purchasing these products that it would help my hair and it did just the opposite. My growth seems to be stunted. Everytime i put a comb or brush in my hair ... I get nothing but strands and strands of falling hair.