I am using parachute hair cream for hair fall protection. Firstly I buyed the product randomly from online. I was fed up with different types of products for hair.i used oils and other but didnt work. So I used this product and today also I am using this only. Great effect.
The product is non sticky and and easy to use just take a little bit and use on hairs and massage for a second. The product make the hair non sticky while other like oils and all make the hair sticky and if you got sweat then it seem very bed.telling my presonal experience.i bought the product from Amazon.in got in a discount, cost of the product in market now is 95₹ and I bought online at the price of 70₹. A great difference.
Use the product after bath and dont use in wet hairs. Firstly dry the hairs or remove some extra water from towel and then use. And make you hair style as you want.