Wheee! Terror, pure terror. And glee. Have I gone nutz? I did for a while - when my heartbeats stopped ...my eyelids didnt blink...my eyeballs were frozen...and I thought ...no, KNEW...I was going to die.
I was on a idyllic Goa vacation before my husband flew off to sunny Florida for an extended work trip. I was in a state of mind that is politely called Laayyyyzzzzzyyyy....Then, we happened to be at the Cidade Goa for high tea...Manish had spotted Aishwarya Rai during a shooting ...and was in a daze...I had just returned from the highest point in Goa (where junta is not normally allowed)...and was in a daze. Maybe it was a combo of soft living and soft living ...that dulled the bheja cells. When I spotted para-gliders, thats what I wanted to do next.
A para gliding jaunt cost a reasonable, off-season Rs.900/- for a trip that lasted approximately 10 minutes. In full season, it can cost 1200 upwards. I thought a trainer would accompany me ...and only as I was pulled off the beach face I realized I was ...gulp! alone.
The motor boat pulled me along...and as I flew higher into the sky..I saw my husband...my only ray of hope...dissolving into a tiny speck of dust on the beach. When the beach was the size of a hankerchief...and Manish was not vieweable...I almost screamed of terror.
Was I scared!! Ill slip and fall - a rope will snap - a bird may bite.....I summoned the courage to move my eyeballs left and right. And my heart stopped beating. I swear it did. The view was awesome...breathtaking...I could see the entire coastline of Goa...4 or 5 beaches the size of pebbles, a mountain to my left....rocks below me...birds soaring at eye- level....blue sky and water-laden clouds within arms reach... sigh! THE sight for city-sored eyes.
I was told to pull on one side - when I heard a whistle. Extremely un-ladylike landing .... I thought Id glide down like fairy hah! Bang in the water...on my back...and soaking wet. For a moment I thought Id hit the rocks...but missed it by a hairs breath.
Felt like returning war lord....and promised to try their other adventure sports. next on my to-do list is white water rafting and bunjee jumping. Any tips folks?
In my opinion, the in-charge of the water sports at Cidade is a knowledgeable chap...and I felt I was in safe hands. he also owns most of the water sporting facilities in Goa. He adviced heart patients and pregnant women from para gliding.
For me? Consider me addicted to para-gliding...and dont miss it if you are in Goa next.