The ironically named "parent choice" (it is last on the list of every ex-pat I have spoken with) is a total sham. There is no safety procedure whatsoever. My son came home with a huge lump on his head, when I asked what happened I was informed "oh, madam you know how it is". They did not provide even an ice pack!
The standard of care is seriously lacking and quite frankly, negligent. They peddle their Montessori - based program but I have spoken with several qualified teachers and they have confirmed that this is not what is being delivered to these kids. My son was placed in a class with kids twice his age and expected to perform.
The so-called principal is totally unqualified and is a not a teacher herself. There is only 1 review of this place - and it is painfully obvious it was written by her or one of her minions. Punishment consists of a child being banned from PE or being locked in a room by themselves and left to cry. If the staff decide they dont like you, they wont hand out your kids party invites (this happened to a friend of mine and it really broke their hearts).
Parents Beware!!! It seems anybody with money and arrogance can open a school and run it like a fiefdom.