Who did not like this movie???
I went to watch this movie with my hubby... and honestly, I was so bored that I was twisting in my chair, waiting for the movie to get over! And here are my two cents...
The movie was beautiful, and the scenes and clothes were very attractive. Saif Ali has definitely matured as an actor. I liked that the movie was from his point of view, and he did it justice. I did not like Vidya Balan at times. I felt that her eyes were too big for her face, and somehow she did not fit the character in the story. There were many instances where I failed to connect with the story, and where I felt that miscommunication between Saif Ali and Vidya could have been avoided. For two people who are childhood pals, it seems absurd that they hardly communicated anything! I also did not see any chemistry between Vidya and either Saif Ali or Sanjay Dutt. When Sunjay Dutt plays cards with Vidya and family, somehow the dialogues he says have been used many many times in previous movies to try and infuse some chemistry.
And no, I am not a person who goes for just commercial movies. I love art films, especially Indian, and have also ventured beyond Hindi. But this movie just did not do it for me, and I am surprised at all the positive reviews! I went to watch it on the first day itself after reading great reviews, but was so disappointed! After interval, the movie just drags on and the songs are quite boring. It also doesnt make sense that Sanjay Dutt would be so generous as to take Vidyas entire family to London. A predictable story, with father creating a misunderstanding and in the end Saif Ali rebels for his wife.
First of all, the families that they showed were very forward thinking, for 1962. Now given that, is it possible that Saif Ali and Vidya would think of themselves as married just by making each other wear a gold necklace? If Saif really loved her in the end, why did he focus so much on breaking down the wall instead of going and stopping her from leaving, when Sanjay specifically mentioned that they were leaving right this instant? It reminded me of the Berlin wall. Why didnt the people around Saif help him, instead of just shouting out in encouragement? It all just seems so old school! I was half expecting Vidya to leave for London, and after breaking the wall, Saif Ali would go to the airport and Ashiqui-like see that she has not left without him.
Yaawwwnnnnnnn... the distributors better give me back my $10 ... paanch sau rupaiya....