which a really popular and cool brand for young men
I used park avenue brand a lot. I had talcum powders and soaps of park avenue.
but one day I went to this general store and thought of buying a park avenue deodrant(THE GREEN BOTTLE)
I went home took a shower and applied the deodorant
the fragnance was fantastic even my sister appreciated
I used it for a week after that I noticed under my arm pits some rashes and allergic reactions have taken place my mom immediately understood that its because of that deodorant
I consulted a skin specialist and he said the same thing
I threw the bottle and took my daily medicine to cure that allergy
it took me 2 weeks to recover after that I never used park avenue deodrant though I use other products from park avenue brand
I recommend people who have sensitive skin not to use park avenue deodorant at all
rather you should use fog deodorant
it is extremely good as well as light
and doesnt irritate your skin.
the price of the bottle of park avenue deodorant is about 300 rs
which is not worth spending at all
I hope the review was useful