I have being eating parle g biscuits I dont remember since when... but I can remember there was no other biscuit which I ate before parle g.
But these days I have found out that the taste of the biscuits has been changing depending on the location it is manufactured or god knows what.
One of the feedback which would be helpful is that biscuits sometimes seems to be burnt taste it very irritating to find out a biscuit which is having a different taste when you very well know what you are going to get.
We have seen particularly this in the packs from Ajmer I dont remember the address on the pack but it was from ajmer. I have seen this happening when I buy biscuits from ambarnath also.. there is a factory in ambarnath midc in Ambarnath...so may be there is an issue over there also...
but I guess it is worth checking on this as I guess sooner or later people are going to notice this varying taste when they notice this when people sitting in groups with the small packs...we did notice this when we all friends in office were having biscuits from different packs and the difference was very evident...