Parle-G biscuit is manufactured by Parle Company. Parle-G has been the biggest brand in India and been the largest marketing Biscuit product.
Parle G was first manufactured in 1939 and from that point people love eating this biscuit. For several years, Parle G has maintained its style and quality.
Parle G biscuits are made of wheat and glucose that is essential for health. The costs of this product are terribly stable and dont increase like different biscuits. It’s the most reasonable biscuit in India at five(5) Rupees.
Parle G may be a rich supply of glucose and energy. I even have been eating it since I used to be a child. The taste and freshness are so good! People love eating Parle-G in breakfast I really like eating Parle G biscuits with tea and most people like it with tea. In my school days, I use to eat Parle G biscuits in my recess time. Nowadays, for profit and to decrease the production price, the quantity of the biscuits is getting less. However, still its reasonable. I really like eating Parle G and would suggest this biscuit to everybody.