Parle G is the Most eaten biscuit .Parle G is the most popular Biscuits brand in india. Parle G biscuit is well known to me as it was my regular tiffin biscuit when I was in nursery school. Parle- G biscuit is very tasty with milk. It melts in mouth easily. So, its best for children.
Its full of good thinks and made with full off nitrisons.
G in Parle G stands for glucose.I don’t say that there are not better biscuits that Parle G, but there is something unique about it, that appeals to everyone. Parle G Gold carrying forward the positioning of Parle G from the thirties. Parle biscuits contains 60-70% of glucose. The "G" from Parle G stands for the glucose but according to the old advertisement it is the symbol of Genius people.So it is very good and eatable product on which we can trust blindly. No worry about it.