About this product, I can say that have it and know it! But I am here to give my review about the product, I must say the taste of Kaccha Mango bite is awesome!
One day, I found this candy in my sons pocket, I ate and.! In just 50 paisa, you get this juicy candy. If we compare it with any other product, we wont find any brand at all. We can compare it with Mango Bite but it is of totally different taste.
At any store in India, you must find a jar of Kaccha Mango Bite. This tell you about the popularity of the product. The candy is available in loose as well as in a packet of 50 and 100. I use to have a few of them in my bag so that I can have them whenever my mouth went dry of feel thirsty. Just have fun of the candy!