Since kollywood fever of sivaji is not yet over I was given an option to watch david dawan movie, who was all time partner with govinda.usually govinda was a good time comedian thru his hip hog dance and bheel puri panipoori lyrics gone that impression I entered theater and watched where govinda seems to be young for 90 yrs old man that is quiet natural, but even salman seems restless but still he has a memory to remove his bannian to show how he has built his muscles.thanks to censor board that they hav given permisson to show top, other wise salman would hav proved to be mr .universe.i felt lara name was uttered in movie , though she might be an model time has made her old that a great happening in india where we get to see a heroine seems to look old .
That might be my personal thought but when govinda , salman, dutta, child artist go dance in a hall just by dialogue govinda was able to convince his father in law that was a great happening with a writter .when agirls father is able to understand wat govinda, dutta, salman and a little master say and he admits that he is wrong and accepts his daughters wedding with govinda , why cant we make the same group to be ambassidors in certain programmes like aids awareness, ITax, eduction for women, and other charity programmes.
Close camera proves that both heros hav becom e oldalong with dawans direction.chota underworld seems more childish.since I had experience in dawans movie I felt lot of , . / * % ^ ( ) _ + ! missing in this movie , where by songs come across our ear every 10 mins.wat I xplain is my view but how others should react is based on how a director, actor , actress producer, cameraman, m.director stuntsman artdirector struggle hard to make a movie but it is simple to write as an review.think , think, think before u giv a comment on this review.see u in som latest film reviews.may god bless me and my india.